أردوغان: الفيلم المسيء للإسلام «عدائي واستفزازي» لكن «لا يبرر العنف».

يالطا / اوكرانيا – الفرنسية

اعتبر رجب طيب اردوغان، رئيس الوزراء التركي، أن: "الفيلم الأميركي المسيء للإسلام «استفزازي»، لكن لا يمكن أن يبرر أعمال العنف التي أثارها في العديد من دول الشرق الأوسط والمغرب".

Why are the Sudanese protestors attacking and burning the German embassy ?

Protesters in Sudan storm German embassy, raise Islamic flag

BERLIN — Sudanese demonstrators on Friday stormed the German embassy in Khartoum and raised an Islamic flag above the mission during a protest against a U.S.-made film Muslims regard as denigrating Islam, a Reuters witness said.

A Reuters reporter saw protesters enter the embassy building in central Khartoum, smash windows and start a fire in front of the main gate. It was not immediately clear why European missions were being targeted.

Police had earlier tried to disperse about 5,000 protesters who had surrounded the German and nearby British embassy by firing volleys of tear gas but no officers could be seen at the front gate after the storming.

Employees of Germany’s embassy in Khartoum are safe, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle later confirmed.

Demonstrators also clashed with police near the U.S. embassy in Cairo on Friday before a nationwide protest called by the Muslim Brotherhood which propelled Egypt’s Islamist president to power.

Protesters also clashed with police in Yemen, where one person died and 15 were injured on Thursday when the U.S. embassy compound was stormed, and crowds gathered against the California-made film in Malaysia, Bangladesh and Iraq.

The film was blamed for an attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans on Tuesday, the anniversary of the Sept 11, 2001 al-Qaida attacks on the United States.

In Nigeria, where radical Islamist sect Boko Haram has killed hundreds this year in an insurgency, the government put police on alert and stepped up security around foreign missions.

Security forces in Yemen fired warning shots and used water cannons against hundreds of protesters near the U.S. embassy in Sanaa. Placards read: “Today is your last day, ambassador!” and “America is the devil.”

The embassy told U.S. citizens it expected more protests against the film. “The security situation remains fluid,” it said in a statement posted on its website.

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said the video was “unspeakable” but should not be used as an excuse for violence. He also appealed to nations affected by the protests to strengthen protection of diplomatic missions.

U.S. and other Western embassies in other Muslim countries had tightened security, fearing anger at the film may prompt attacks on their compounds after the weekly worship.

The protests present U.S. President Barack Obama with a new foreign policy crisis less than two months before seeking re-election and tests Washington’s relations with democratic governments it helped to power across the Arab world.

Obama has vowed to bring those responsible for the Benghazi attack to justice, and the United States sent warships towards Libya which one official said was to give flexibility for any future action.


Cairo protesters threw rocks at police, who threw them back and fired tear gas. A burnt-out car was overturned in the middle of the street leading to the fortified embassy from Tahrir Square, focus of protests that ushered in democracy.

Egypt has said the U.S. government, which has condemned the film, should not be blamed for it, but has also urged Washington to take legal action against those insulting religion.

President Mohamed Mursi, an Islamist who is Egypt’s first freely elected president, is having to strike a delicate balance, protecting the embassy of a major donor while also showing a robust response to a film that angered Islamists.

“What happened a few days ago was a pernicious attempt to insult the Prophet Mohammad. It is something we reject and Egypt stands against. We will not permit that these acts are carried out,” said Mursi, on a visit to Italy, adding:

“We cannot accept the killing of innocent people nor attacks on embassies. We must defend diplomats and tourists who come to visit our country. Killing people is forbidden ... by our faith.”

The Muslim Brotherhood called for a peaceful nationwide protest on Friday. Mursi was the Brotherhood’s presidential candidate, although he formally resigned his membership on taking office saying he wanted to represent all Egyptians.

In Libya, authorities said they had made four arrests in the investigation into the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens. U.S. officials said it may have been planned in advance — possibly by an al-Qaida-linked group.

Pope Benedict arrived in Lebanon on Friday for a religiously sensitive visit, especially given anger over the film, which depicts the Prophet Mohammad in terms seen as blasphemous by Muslims, although the only protests in Lebanon against it were due to take place far from the capital.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington had nothing to do with the crudely made film posted on the Internet, which she called “disgusting and reprehensible,” and the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff called a Christian pastor in Florida to ask him to withdraw his support for it.

About 300 people protested in Cairo, some waving flags with religious slogans. State media reported 224 injured since violence erupted on Wednesday night after a protest in which the embassy walls were scaled on Tuesday.

“Before the police, we were attacked by Obama, and his government, and the Coptic Christians living abroad,” shouted one protester, wearing a traditional robe and beard favoured by some ultraorthodox Muslims, as he pointed at the police cordon.

Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox church has condemned what it said were Copts abroad who had financed the film.


Sudan’s Foreign Ministry has criticized Germany for allowing a protest last month by right-wing activists carrying caricatures of the Prophet and for Chancellor Angela Merkel giving an award in 2010 to a Danish cartoonist who depicted the Prophet in 2005 triggering protests across the Islamic world.

President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is under pressure from Islamists who feel the government has given up the religious values of his 1989 Islamist coup.

The official body of Sudan’s Islamic scholars called for the faithful to defend the Prophet peacefully, but at a meeting of Islamists, some leaders said they would march on the German and U.S. embassies and demanded the ambassadors be expelled.

“Tomorrow we will all get out to defend Prophet Mohammad ... We will do this peacefully but with strength,” Salah el-Din Awad, general secretary of the scholars’ body in Khartoum state told reporters after meeting government officials on Thursday.

The Foreign Ministry said in its statement: “The German chancellor unfortunately welcomed this offence to Islam in a clear violation of all meanings of religious coexistence and tolerance between religions.”

Sudan used to host prominent militants in the 1990s, such as Osama bin Laden, but the government has sought to distance itself from radicals to improve ties with the West.

Protesters in Afghanistan set fire to an effigy of Obama and burned a U.S. flag after Friday prayers in the eastern province of Nangarhar.

Directing their anger against the U.S. pastor who supported the film, tribal leaders in province also agreed to put a $100,000 bounty on his head.


«الزمر» للمتظاهرين: «هل الدفاع عن الرسول يكون بسب الدين؟!» | المصري اليوم، أخبار اليوم من مصر

بالفيديو.. «الزمر» للمتظاهرين: «هل الدفاع عن الرسول يكون بسب الدين؟!»

كتب: معتز نادي
الجمعة, 14/09/2012 13:25

قال الدكتور طارق الزمر، المتحدث باسم الجماعة الإسلامية، مساء الخميس، إنه فوجئ بالأفراد المتواجدين في محيط السفارة الأمريكية، اعتراضا على الفيلم المسيء للرسول محمد، موضحا: «فوجئت بتعبيرات وألفاظ منهم»، مشيرا إلى أن الألفاظ أكثرها تسب الدين، ومنها أن «الإسلاميين ولاد دين كذا»، حسب تعبيره، متسائلا: «هل الدفاع عن الإساءة للرسول يكون بسب الدين؟!».

واعتبر «الزمر» خلال استضافته في برنامج «نادي العاصمة»، الذي يقدمه الإعلامي أسامة كمال على الفضائية المصرية، أن الشباب المتظاهر عند السفارة الأمريكية «مجموعة شتات موجهة»، حسب قوله، مشيرا إلى أنهم من المدفوعين للعمل لصالح البعض، وليست لهم علاقة بالدين أو السياسة، مستنكرا عدم تأديتهم الصلاة التي أقيمت مرتين في حضور الشيخ مظهر شاهين، إمام وخطيب مسجد عمر مكرم.

وأكد «الزمر» إدانته الاعتداء على السفارة الأمريكية وعلى أي سفارة أخرى، مضيفا: «السفارات والسفراء محصنون في الإسلام، وهذا ما أمرنا به رسول الله»، مشيرا إلى أن الحرب على الإسلام لم تبدأ منذ هجمات 11 سبتمبر على الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وإنما يرجع وقتها إلى انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي.

واتهم «الزمر» من وصفهم بـ«بقايا النظام السابق» بأنهم يهدفون إلى عدم نجاح الثورة المصرية من خلال تلك الأحداث، خاصة بعد خسارة قوى دولية، فضلاً عن رجال الحزب الوطني «المنحل»، إثر سقوط نظام مبارك، الذي أطيح به في ثورة 25 يناير.

من جانبه وصف اللواء سامح سيف اليزل، الخبير الاستراتيجي، الفيلم المسيء للرسول محمد -صلي الله عليه وسلم- بأنه «يفوق خيال أي حد في الإساءة»، كاشفًا عن تلقيه مكالمات هاتفية من قيادات مسيحية في الدولة، تعبر عن استيائها من مضمون ذلك الفيلم.

وأشار «اليزل» إلى أن ما يحدث له أبعاد عسكرية، خاصة بعد توجه قطعتين بحريتين أمريكيتين إلى السواحل الليبية بعد الهجوم على السفارة الأمريكية في بنغازي، مشددًا على أن الأمر لا يجب أن يؤخذ «اعتباطا»، حسب تعبيره، لافتا إلى أن الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية تهتم بالأمر لأن «أرواح الأمريكان بالنسبة لهم ليست رخيصة»، حسب قوله.

وتابع: «إحنا في فترة انتخابات رئاسية، ولابد أن يظهر أوباما بأنه يحافظ على شرف أمريكا»، مشيرا في الوقت نفسه لوجود بعد اقتصادي يؤدي إلى تأثر قطاع السياحة بمثل تلك الأحداث في مصر، خاصة مع تراجع إشغالات الفنادق ووصولها لنسبة تتراوح بين 27% و30%.

وطالب «اليزل» بضرورة العمل على التوازن في العلاقات السياسية مع أمريكا، خاصة بعد تصريح أوباما الأخير حول أن «مصر ليست حليفة ولا عدوة»، داعيا في الوقت نفسه إلى أن نضع المصلحة الشعبية قبل مصلحة أمريكا.

واقترح «اليزل» أن تتوجه رموز إسلامية وشخصيات عامة، فضلا عن عدد من الشباب، والمرأة المصرية، لمقابلة السفيرة الأمريكية، وبصحبتهم كاميرات لنقل «الغضبة المصرية»، حسب تعبيره، لأمريكا والعالم بطريقة حضارية.


Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a petty criminal with Egyptian descent, has secured a place in history by instigating a meltdown and rioting in the middle east through the production of anti Islamic movie !

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula
Born 1957
Nationality American[2]
Other names Mark Basseley Youssef, Yousseff M. Basseley, Nicola Bacily, Erwin Salameh, Ahmad Hamdy, Kritbag Difrat, PJ Tobacco, Malid Ahlawi
Ethnicity Coptic[1]
Known for Managed production ofInnocence of Muslims
Religion Coptic[3][4]
Criminal charge Intent to manufacturemethamphetamine[5]
Probation violation
Bank fraud
Criminal penalty 1 year county jail (drug offense)
1 year county jail (probation violation)
2 years federal prison (bank fraud)
Criminal status Released 2011; 5 years probation