اين الثابت من متحول ادونيس

عجيب لشاعر مثل ادونيس ان يعير اصحاب الثورة السورية لانطلاقهم من الجوامع عوضا عن مقاهي الانترنت من بعد ان سكر عن علمانيته في خمر الثورة الخمينية.

"تحية لثورة إيران"
التي نشرت في جريدة "السفير"
يوم وصول الخميني إلى السلطة:
أفقٌ ثورةٌ والطغاة شتات
كيف أروي لإيران حبّي
والذي في زفيري
والذي في شهيقي تعجز عن قوله الكلمات؟
سأغنّي لقمّ لكي تتحول في صبواتي
نار عصف، تطوّف حول الخليج
وأقول: المدى، والنشيج
أرضي العربية – 
ها رعدها يتعالى
يرسم المشرق الجديد، ويستشرف الطريقا.
شعب إيران يكتب للشرق فاتحة الممكنات
شعب إيران يكتب للغرب:
وجهك يا غرب ينهار
وجهك يا غرب مات
شعب إيران شرق تأصّل في أرضنا، ونبيّ
إنه رفضنا المؤسس، ميثاقنا العربيّ.

غضب في موريتانيا بعد إحراق كتب الفقه المالكي

الكتب لا تتبنى العبودية ولا تشرع الرق بعكس ما أشارت إليه حركة "إيرا"

غضب في موريتانيا بعد إحراق كتب الفقه المالكي

نواكشوط - سكينة أصنيب

لا تزال تداعيات إحراق حركة حقوقية تدافع عن المسترقين في موريتانيا كتباً دينية، تتفاعل بشكل متسارع رغم محاولات الحكومة تطويقها، حيث خرجت مظاهرات عديدة تطالب بمعاقبة المتورطين في إحراق الكتب والوقوف بحزم أمام كل من يهدد الثوابت الدينية والأخلاقية، وبينما استغل الحزب الحاكم هذا الحادث للخروج من خناق المعارضة الذي اشتد عليه أخيراً وإبراز قوته والاستبسال في الدفاع عن مقدسات الشعب الموريتاني وقيمه، وجدت المعارضة في الحادث فرصة للتأكيد على مشروعية طلبها برحيل الرئيس ولد عبدالعزيز، وقالت إن "إحراق كتب الفقه المالكي المتبع في موريتانيا يؤكد غياب الدولة وانهيارها على جميع الأصعدة، ولا يخدم إلا النظام القائم ولا يستهدف إلا إرباك الشعب الموريتاني عن نضاله اليومي من أجل ترحيل النظام".

واعتقلت السلطات الموريتانية الناشط الحقوقي بيرام ولد أعبيدي رفقة أربعة عناصر من حركته "إيرا" المناوئة للاسترقاق في موريتانيا، وقالت مصادر مطلعة إن الشرطة اعتقلت ولد أعبيدي الذي كان يعقد اجتماعاً بقادة الحركة من أجل تدارس الوضعية الأخيرة التي أعقبت إحراق الحركة لمجموعة من الكتب الفقهية بدعوى أنها تمجّد العبودية وتدعو لاستمرارها، واقتادته رفقة أربعة نشطاء إلى مكان مجهول.

وخرجت مساء أمس الأحد مظاهرة كبيرة منددة بإحراق مجموعة من الكتب الفقهية في سابقة هي الأولى من نوعها في موريتانيا التي يسود فيها الإسلام، كما تظاهر المئات من طلبة المدارس الدينية في نواكشوط مؤكدين رفضهم الإساءة للدين الإسلامي وطالبوا بمعاقبة منظمة "إيرا" المناهضة للرق والتي قام بعض أعضائها بحرق كتب ومراجع دينية.

وندد المشاركون في المسيرة التي قطعت طرقاً رئيسية بالعاصمة الموريتانية بهجوم حركة "إيرا" على فقه المذهب المالكي المتبع في موريتانيا وإحراق كتب المذهب المعتمدة.

وكان في استقبال المسيرة الشعبية التي نظمها الأئمة والعلماء الموريتانيون الرئيس الموريتاني محمد ولد عبدالعزيز الذي وعد بتطبيق أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية في من قاموا بإحراق الكتب الفقهية، وقال إن ما حصل استفزاز للشعب والأمة وإن الدولة الموريتانية لن تتهاون فيه، وأكد أن حكومته عازمة على الدفاع عن الشريعة الإسلامية في وجه من وصفهم بدعاة العلمانية والتخريب.

اعتداء سافر على المعتقدات

كما أعرب السفراء العرب المعتمدون في موريتانيا عن استنكارهم لما سمّوه الجريمة النكراء التي قام بها أعضاء حركة "إيرا" بإحراقه المتون الفقهية علناً أمام المصلين، وعبروا عن تضامنهم مع موريتانيا ووقوفهم معها لاتخاذ جميع الإجراءات القانونية التي تراها مناسبة لردع كل من تسوّل له نفسه المساس بقيم المجتمع وهويته.

وقال وزير الخارجية الموريتاني حمادي ولد حمادي في اجتماع عقده مع السفراء العرب إن الهدف من هذا الاجتماع هو إنارة السفراء وتوضيح موقف الحكومة من الفعلة الشنعاء التي ارتكبها بيرام ولد اعبيدي والمتمثلة في إحراق مرجعيات مشهورة في الفقه المالكي.

وبيّن أن هذا الفعل يمسّ مشاعر الشعب الموريتاني، مشدداً على أن هذا التصرف يدينه القانون والأخلاق باعتباره سلوكاً فظيعاً يرفضه الجميع. وأضاف وزير الخارجية أن في موريتانيا مساحة واسعة لحرية التعبير ومناخاً يتيح للجميع التعبير عن آرائهم لكن الموضوع الآن يتعلق باعتداء سافر على معتقدات المجتمع وأخلاقه وسيعاقب مرتكبه بقوة القانون.

وبدوره أكد وزير الشؤون الإسلامية أحمد ولد النيني أن إحراق كتب من أصول الشريعة الإسلامية أمر فظيع ومنكر يجب على الجميع تغييره، مشدداً على أن مذهب الإمام مالك، إمام دار الهجرة، من أصح المذاهب ويعد المساس به من أبشع الجرائم لأن الفقه ثمرة الكتاب والسنة.

يؤكد غياب الدولة

وندد العلماء والأحزاب السياسية والنقابات العمالية وفعاليات المجتمع المدني والمواطنون بحرق الكتب الدينية، وأعرب تكتل القوى الديمقراطية المعارض عن إدانته الشديدة لهذا التصرف، مؤكداً أن هذه الكتب "ليست إلا نقلاً أميناً وشرحاً مستفيضاً وتفسيراً مفصلاً للكتاب والسنة ألّفها جهابذة المحدثين والعلماء والفقهاء، ومن ضمنهم موريتانيون أجلاء عرفوا بورعهم وعلمهم، فحوت معتقدات شعبنا بكافة مكوناته وانطوت على ما يحتكم إليه من شرع الله وأسس عليها بإجماع وطني بعد الاستقلال مدوناته القانونية العصرية".

واعتبر الحزب أن الإقدام على هذا التصرف في هذا الظرف بالذات يؤكد غياب الدولة وانهيارها على جميع الأصعدة، ولا يخدم إلا النظام القائم ولا يستهدف إلا إرباك الشعب الموريتاني عن نضاله اليومي من أجل ترحيل النظام واستبداله بسلطة وطنية تستجيب لتطلعاته المشروعة.

ودان حزب التحالف الشعبي التقدمي الذي يدافع عن حقوق المسترقين إحراق كتب الفقه الإسلامي، واعتبر أن الثلة التي تدعي أن دافع ما أقدمت عليه هو مكافحة ظاهرة الاسترقاق جرّدت الرق وتبعاته العديدة من سياقها التاريخي والاجتماعي وحملت الشرع الحنيف وعلماء الملة الغراء وحدهم مسؤولية الاسترقاق.

وأضاف الحزب في بيان له أن "هذا التصرف الطائش، وما صاحبه من ملابسات، ينمّ عن قصور في الفهم واختلال في التفكير أعمى هؤلاء عن حقيقة أن الشعب الموريتاني أرسى مقومات وجوده وحافظ على دعائم وحدته، وصنع تاريخه المشترك في ظل التعاليم الإسلامية السمحاء وملاءمة مع ما يراه المذهب المالكي وما تمليه المدونة الكبرى".

توقيت الحادث

واستغرب محللون توقيت إحراق المتون الشرعية في ظرف يشتد فيه الخناق على الحكومة، واتهم البعض النظام الحاكم بالتورّط في الحادث ودفع نشطاء بالحركة لإحراق الكتب المالكية بهدف التشويش على مشروع المعارضة وأنشطتها المكثفة لإجبار النظام على الرحيل، واتهم منشور وقعته جهة تطلق على نفسها حماة الأمن من الشرطة النظام الحاكم بالتورّط في عملية حرق الكتب المالكية، وقال المنشور إن النظام الموريتاني خطط لهذه العملية عبر السياسي المعارض أبومدين ولد أباته للتخفيف من حدة الاحتقان الداخلي.

وكان رئيس "إيرا" بيرام ولد أعبيدي قد أقدم على حرق كميات من المراجع الفقهية للمذهب المالكي بدعوى أنها "تتبنى العبودية وتشرع الرق وتشجع ممارسته"، ما خلّف موجة من التنديد والاستياء في أوساط المجتمع الموريتاني، حيث شهد مختلف مناطق البلاد على مدى يومين احتجاجات ومسيرات عارمة ووقفات احتجاجية على هذه الجريمة، طالب المشاركون فيها بإنزال العقوبة على مرتكبيها.

كما أدانت الاتحادات الطلابية والهيئات الثقافية هذا العمل واعتبرته جريمة ضد المقدسات الإسلامية، وتحدياً سافراً للشعب الموريتاني المسلم وازدراء بدينه وقيمه وتاريخه وثقافته.

Challenge to the newly emerging muslim leaders: South Africa's polygamist President marries sixth wife

Video: South Africa's polygamist President marries sixth wife

Polygamist President of South Africa, Jabob Zuma, 70, has married a sixth wife. He married Gloria "Bongi" Ngema on Saturday, in a customary service that began at 6 a.m. at his home in Nkandla, KwaZulu-Natal.
Pretoria - After his his sixth wedding, Zuma now has four wives. His three other wives attended his wedding to Ngema, a business woman with whom he has a seven-year-old son. According to Zuma's spokesman Mac Maharaj: "President Jacob Zuma has today married Ms Bongi Ngema at a traditional ceremony known as umgcagco at his home in Nkandla. The bride and groom later participated in the traditional competitive celebratory dance. A wedding reception will be held this evening, and tomorrow there will be the umabo, where the bride showers the groom's family with gifts." The statement added shortly: "The president's three wives attended the event."

Daily Mail reports Zuma can legally marry many wives under South Africa's constitution. The customary law that allows him multiple marriages was drawn up after the apartheid era to preserve the "traditions" of the country's native ethnic groups.

Reuters reports that the new bride Ngema is an activist and former IT worker, well known in South Africa and has already been with the president on foreign visits.

According to the Daily Mail, Zuma had been engaged to Ngema for a long time. She is described as a "devoutly religious businessmen woman." She has worked for several major companies in South Africa, including IBM and Deoloitte & Touche. Now that she is married to the South African president, she will join the presidential household in the village of Nkandla where she will live together with the other three wives. All four women will be treated as first ladies and will share their "spousal duties" among themselves, Daily Mail reports. The Guardian reports, however, that there is no official position of First Lady in South Africa, and according to the presidency, none of Zuma's wives has a constitutional role or receives state fund s.

Zuma, a former goatherder, who spent a decade in prison during the apartheid regime married his first wife Sizakele Khumalo, 69, in 1973. He married Nompumelelo Ntuli, 37, in 2008 and Thobeka Madiba, 39, in 2010.

The Guardian reports he divorced Home Affairs minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma in 1999. His wife Kate Mantasho-Zuma committed suicide in 2000.

According to The Telegraph, the president's spokesman Maharaj, said: "The new Mrs Zuma had already been part of the spousal machinery in terms of administrative support so there will be no changes due to the wedding."

South Africa's Sunday Times reported last week that the president's home in Nkandla was renovated in a multi-million-pound project involving construction of six double-story thatched huts. According to the Sunday Times, each of the building was connected to Zuma's house by an underground tunnel, to allow him easy access to his wives.

For Women at London Games, Messages Are Mixed

For Women at Games, Messages Are Mixed

If Saudi Arabia treated women any more dismissively, it could host the Masters.

After signaling that Saudi women may be allowed to compete in the Olympics for the first time at the London Games, Saudi officials retreated. The only possibility remaining, it seems, is that a few Saudi women might gain entry as unofficial participants. They must walk behind men at home, but apparently cannot walk behind the Saudi flag in London.

“Saudi Arabia has pretty much decided to play hedgehog, head pulled in, spikes out,” said Christoph Wilcke, a senior researcher for Human Rights Watch, who wrote a scathing report about the discrimination against female athletes in the ultraconservative Islamic kingdom, where even physical education classes and sports club memberships are prohibited. “They are irked by all this attention.”

As the London Games approach, all sorts of mixed messages are being sent about women, some by women themselves, having more to do with what they will wear and how they will behave and how they should be controlled than about how they will perform in competition.

In a recent profile of the beach volleyball player Zara Dampney, The London Evening Standard noted, “She’s got one of the most talked-about bottoms in British Olympic sport but can’t understand the fascination with it.”

Officials of the International Amateur Boxing Association, noted fashion mavens, had a brilliant idea over the past year, a fistic version of “Project Runway.”

They suggested that women try wearing skirts in competition, urging pleats to feminize the punches. The man in charge of the association — they are always men — said he had received complaints that spectators could not tell women from men beneath the protective headgear. Instead of referring these spectators to optometrists, he referred the boxers to the Ring Magazine spring collection.

Much ridicule came next and officials took a sartorial eight count. Skirts will be optional, not mandatory, at the London Olympics as women’s boxing makes its debut. The same is true of badminton after officials faced charges of sexism and participants demanded to be treated as athletes, not differentiated or marginalized as female athletes.

“It’s an interesting time for women,” said Janice Forsyth, director of the International Centre for Olympic Studies at the University of Western Ontario. “The more they become involved in sport, the more it seems people feel the need to market female sexuality. It’s a tough bind for women — they have to look good and be attractive to the public, presumably a heterosexual male public, and be good athletes. That same standard doesn’t necessarily apply to men.”

Alex Morgan, the emerging American soccer forward, posed for the recent Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, wearing only a bikini sprayed on with body paint. Morgan will play in London, but she seems to have confused the Earl of Sandwich with Earl Scheib.

Presumably, Morgan wanted to show that she was strong and feminine. Instead, she reinforced the unfortunate notion that to be successful, female athletes must position themselves as sex objects. And endure more undercoating than a Toyota Corolla.

Track and field outfits for some women at the London Games will be nearly as revealing as spray-painted bikinis. When Australia unveiled its Adidas uniforms last month, Sally Pearson, the world-champion hurdler, said it was difficult to tell her Olympic suit from her birthday suit.

“There’s not much of it,” Pearson said. “In a way, it still feels like your skin, so it’s kind of like you are naked.”

There is more accommodating news on other fronts. The International Volleyball Federation will permit more conservative outfits for beach volleyball, citing cultural and religious sensitivities. Shorts and sleeved tops will be allowed in London, not simply bikinis the size of a Dairy Queen napkin.

FIFA, soccer’s world governing body, is reconsidering its ban on hijabs, the headscarves worn by Muslim women. This should prevent another embarrassment like the one last year, in which Iran’s women’s team had to forfeit an Olympic qualifying match. And it should attract more participants in a sport struggling for visibility more than “CBS This Morning.”

Track and field’s world governing body has come to its senses and allowed Paula Radcliffe’s fastest time to stand as the women’s world record in the marathon. Last fall, track officials scrapped records that women had set in road races in which men also competed. Meanwhile, they let stand East German records widely accepted to have been fueled by doping.

There is still the unsettled case of Saudi Arabia, which bars women from sports, claiming it will lead to immoral behavior, by using tradition and discredited science. The Human Rights Watch report issued in February referred to a religious scholar who said that “the health of a virgin girl will be affected by too much movement and jumping in sports such as soccer and basketball.”

Wilcke, the Human Rights Watch researcher, said, “It is impossible to square Saudi discrimination against women with the noble values of the Olympic Charter,” which forbids intolerance.

But do not count on the International Olympic Committee, the hoariest old boys’ club, to take a bold stance and bar Saudi Arabia from the London Games. Earlier this month, Olympic officials seemed more concerned about another urgent women’s issue: sportswriters and their shoes.

Around the Rings, an influential Olympic newsletter, reported that sandals, flip-flops and open-toed shoes were being barred for Olympic reporters, male and female, for reasons of safety and aesthetics.

“I think it will be a great relief to look down when I am interviewed and not see hairy feet or fluorescent-painted toes,” an unidentified Olympic official told the newsletter.

Turns out, it was an April Fool’s joke. If that were only the case with Saudi Arabia and its treatment of women.

“That women in vigorous activities will upset their wombs, reproductive activity and menstrual cycle — it’s amazing they can put forth these arguments and be accepted with the science we have,” said Forsyth, the Olympic scholar. “My students laughed at that. They were shocked. That’s something we saw a hundred years ago.”

Rumi Online: A Musical Tribute to Rumi, Mercan Dede

A Musical Tribute to Rumi, Mercan Dede

**Mercan Dede (Arkın Ilıcalı) is a Turkish composer, Ney-Flute player, DJ and producer. He is a world music artist, playing a fusion of (traditionally acoustic) Turkish and other oriental musics with electronic sounds. The sound of Dede incorporates traditional instruments and other parts of the world, with horns, drum & bass dance beats, ambient electronic music and Sufi inspired spirituality.

Celebrating the 800th birthday of Maolana Rumi, Mercan Dede released his album, 800, with themes of Religious Tolerance and Peace. The essence of Sufism, Rumi taught, is counterpoint, everything exists with its opposite. Such a notion is superbly reflected in Dede's latest album that sees Persian, Indian, Turkish and Western music come together to form an impressive sound. The contrast between electronica and classical or folkloric arts cuts to the core of the Sufi philosophy that guides this one-of-a-kind artist. 800 proves to be a captivating and natural step in Dede's long an innovative career.. Mercan Dede's album '800' was selected as "Best Album of the Year" and "Best World Music Artist".**

Watch & Enjoy Mercan Dede's extraordinary Sufi inspired fusions:

Dream Of Shams-Mercan Dede

Ginhawa-Mercan Dede
(Sufi mystical chant at its best expression)

Nafs-Ego by Mercan Dede**One of my favorites**

800-Mercan Dede
(Sufi mystical music & Turkish hip-hop..Mercan Dede is simply genius)

Abi Hayat-Mercan Dede
(Ney-Flute's wailing in this fusion is simply haunting)

At The Cape of Good Hope, At The Meeting Point Between Indian And Atlantic Oceans, History Changed Side In 1488 ...

When the Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias managed to reach the cape of Good Hope (known then as cape of storms), he opened the spice trade routes, as described in the journeys of Marco Polo, to India and far east. Europe became free from its depence on the silk road controlled by Muslims. As a result, European countries developed their naval power. In less than 100 years, Ottomans were defeated in the naval battle of Lepanto. Muslims lost control over the seas, India, and Indonesia. The cape of good hope brought glory to Europe and despairs to Africa, Asia and the dwindling Islamic empire.

Fatwas on Vegetarianism

Fatwas on Vegetarianism

Many Muslim jurists have issued legal rulings that show vegetarianism is certainly permitted in Islam. Please see those below for a small sample of rulings from across the spectrum of Muslim jurists.

Some fatwas on vegetarianism:

Hamza Yusuf

Hamza Yusuf on eating meat (from the audio tape "The Science of Shari'ah"):

  • "Meat is not a necessity in Shari'ah, and in the old days most Muslims used to eat meat, if they were wealthy, like middle class—once a week on Friday. If they were poor—on the Eids."
  • "So traditionally Muslims were semi-vegetarians. The Prophet was, I mean, technically, the Prophet (SAWS) was in that category. He was not a meat-eater. Most of his meals did not have meat in them. And the proof of that is clearly in the Muwatta—when Sayyidina Umar says, 'Beware of meat, because it has an addiction like the addiction of wine.' And the other hadith in the Muwatta—there is a chapter called 'Bab al-Laham,' the chapter of laham, the chapter of meat. Both are from Sayyidina Umar. And Umar, during his khilafa, prohibited people from eating meat two days in a row. He only allowed them to eat [it] every other day. And the khalifa has that right to do that. He did not let people eat meat every day … he saw one man eating meat every day, and he said to him, 'Every time you get hungry you go out and buy meat? Right? In other words, every time your nafs wants meat, you go out and buy it?' He said, 'Yeah, Amir al-Mumineen, ana qaram,' which in Arabic, 'qaram' means 'I love meat'—he's a carnivore, he loves meat. And Sayyidina Umar said, 'It would be better for you to roll up your tummy a little bit so that other people can eat.'"
  • "Now Umar, if there was a prophet after the Prophet, it would have been Umar. And that is really verging on prophecy, that statement. Because if you study the modern meat industry, you will find out that a lot of the famine in the world is a direct result of the overconsumption of meat in countries like the United States and Canada and Europe, because the amount of grain needed to produce 1 pound of meat, right, is much greater than the amount you need to produce grain itself. And beef in particular—I really recommend Rifkin's book Beyond Beef. It's an extraordinary book. And it's interesting 'Baqara' is also a chapter of the Qur'an ('kill the cow'), because beef-eating societies just have massive impact on the environment, on natural resources, on all these things. And traditionally the Muslims were not cow-eaters, they were sheep and lamb [-eaters] when they did eat meat."

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

A Muslim may be a vegetarian. However, he should not regard eating meat as prohibited.

And Allah Taãla knows best.

Was salaam.

—Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Fatwa Department

Source : Islam.tc

Sayyid Fadhlullah

Vegetarianism is halal.
Meat is not compulsory.
Any food is permissible provided it is not harmful.
Muslims are free to eat whatever they want provided it is halal.

"It is like wanting to eat a certain fruit and not the other." Sayyid Fadlallah

—Summation of answer given by the Honorable Sayyid Fadhlullah during an online Q&A session, December 1, 2001

Wa Alaikum Salaam wa Rahmatullah,

Muzammil Siddiqi

You are right that the matter of halal and haram is only the authority of Allah (SWT) as we are not allowed to make any halal haram, we are also not allowed to make any haram halal. Allah has created some animals for our food as Allah says in the Qur'an in surat an-Nahl, “And cattle He has created for you. From them you drive wont and numerous benefits and of their meat, you eat.” (16:5-8)

Muslims do recognize animal rights, and animal rights means that we should not abuse them, torture them, and when we have to use them for meat, we should slaughter them with a sharp knife, mentioning the name of Allah (SWT). The Prophet (SAAWS) said, “Allah has prescribed goodness (ihsan) in everything. When you sacrifice, sacrifice well. Let you sharpen your knife and make it easy for the animal to be slaughtered.”

So, Muslims are not vegetarianists. However, if someone prefers to eat vegetables, then they are allowed to do so. Allah has given us permission to eat meat of slaughtered animals, but He has not made it obligatory upon us.
—Muzammil Siddiqi

Sheikh M. S. Al-Munajjid

Wa`alykum As-Salaamu Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Welcome to the fold of Islam! We pray to Allah to make you a good Muslim. As for your question, there is nothing wrong with being a vegetarian or not eating animal products, but you need to be aware of the following:

  1. You should not think that these things are Haraam (forbidden), because Almighty Allah says: “O ye who believe! Make not unlawful the good things, which Allah hath made lawful for you, but commit no excess: for Allah loveth not those given to excess.” (Al-Maa’idah: 87)

    • Say: who hath forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of Allah, which He hath produced for his servants, and the things, clean and pure (which He hath provided) for sustenance? Say they are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment thus do we explain the Signs in detail for those who understand.” (Al-`Araaf: 32)
    • Say: see ye what things Allah hath sent down to you for sustenance? Yet ye hold forbidden some things thereof and (some things) lawful. Say: hath Allah indeed permitted you, or do ye invent (things) to attribute to Allah?” (Yoonus: 59)

  2. One should not think that it is better to abstain from eating these foods, that doing so will be rewarded, or that being a vegetarian is closer to Allah than not, and so on. It is not permitted to draw closer to Allah in this way. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, who is the best of mankind and the closest to Allah, used to eat meat and honey and drink milk. When one of his Companions wanted to give up meat, he told him that this was wrong. Anas Ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, reports that there was a group of the Companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, one of whom said, “I will never marry women”; another said, “I will not eat meat”; a third said, “I will not sleep on a bed”; and a fourth said, “I will fast and never break my fast.” When the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was informed about this, he praised and thanked Allah, then said:
    What is wrong with the people who say such and such? I pray and I sleep; I fast and I break my fast; and I marry women. Whoever deviates from my Sunnah (way) does not belong to me.” (Reported by An-Nasaa’i).

There is a great difference between not eating a certain kind of food because of not liking it, or one has been put off it—for example by seeing an animal slaughtered when one was a child, which may leave the person with a distaste for meat—and other similar reasons, and thinking that meat is Haraam by abstaining from it is an act of worship, as the Brahmins, monks and others do.

Once this matter is clear in your mind, there is nothing wrong with not eating food that you do not like. We ask Allah to give you the strength to do good deeds and to protect you from every evil. It is only Allah Who guides to the Straight Path.

(Based on a Fatwa given by Sheikh M. S. Al-Munajjid, www. Islam-qa.com)
—Islam Online Fatwa Committee

A member of Islamic Concern for Animals asked the following question of several leading ulema via their online question-and-answer sections:

I am a convert to Islam, mash’a allah. I grew up as a vegetarian, I am an athlete, and [I] feel very healthy and strong. Is it halal to be vegetarian?

Ayatullah Sayyid Khamanei

“Bismihi Ta`ala
According to Islamic law (shar`) there is no objection to it. However, eating meat is permissible in Islamic law although eating too much is reprehensible (makruh). Wallahul`Alim.”

Sayyid Nasrallah

“In the Name of Allah
There is no problem in that.”

Ayatullah Shirazi

“Being vegetarian is OK and halal, and in fact we have hadith in Islam that encourages us to eat less meat.”

Why are you singling out 'Eid sacrifice? What about Christmas and Thanksgiving?

We fully agree that Christmas, Thanksgiving, and other non-Muslim holidays entail a sacrifice of animals even exceeding that of any 'Eid. The article on our Web site was written by a Muslim to other members of the Ummah to explore animal sacrifice within Islam. We are equally concerned with the cruelty inflicted upon animals during the non-Muslim holidays.