Salar Aghili chanting in his angelic voice Rumi's : The Poem of the Atoms

Every atoms in the universe is dancing ... Every atom be it in the desert or in the air, be it grievous or joyful, is in a deep state of trance .... Every atom in you and me is in total love with Shams ... That is a fact that we cannot explain or refute ...

The Beloved becomes the center and the symbol of all beloveds ... There are many lovers ... But only one Beloved ...


Controversies over Ibn Al-Arabi's Fusus: The Faith Of Pharaoh

The Faith of Pharaoh: Controversies over Ibn Arabi Fusus Al-Hikam

By Professor Carl W. Ernst

   "He (Pharaoh) said: I believe that there is no God but Him in Whom the children of Israel believe, and I am among those who submit to God"

"قال آمنت انَّه لا اله الَّا الذي آمنت به بنو إسرآئيل و اناْ من المسلمين" 

   These words of the Pharaoh of Egypt, spoken while the waters of the Red Sea were about to close over his head, appear in the Quranic account of the story of Moses, and they show the defiant opponent of the prophet making one last effort to escape the doom that has befallen him. God's words don't seem encouraging: "Now ? When before you rebelled, and were of the evildoers ? But today, We will save you and in body, so you maybe a sign for those who come after ...". 

"ألآن وقد عصيت قبل و كنت من المفسدين؟ فاليوم ننجيك ببدنك لتكون لمن خلفك آية"

Commentators and story-tellers have generally assumed that Pharaoh, though was preserved in body, was condemned to hell. As in Jewish legend, so in Muslims tales of the Prophets, the angel Gabriel made Pharaoh wait until it was too late to make a valid confession of faith, by "cramming his mouth with slime". 

   Yet in mystical circles, this common-sense interpretation has not always been upheld. A characteristic sufistic interpretation of the Quran revolves around the case of the faith of Pharaoh, according to the analysis of Muhyiddin ibn Arabi, known as the Grand Master (الشيخ الاكبر), and probably the most influential and prolific of the Sufi theorists. He himself was no stranger to controversy during his lifetime. His highly original views were provocative enough to arouse intense criticism also for many centuries after his death. Ibn Arabi's thesis of the validity of Pharaoh's confession faith, which occupies only couple of pages in Fusus al-Hikam, has attracted a remarkable amount of comments from both supporters and detractors. What were the issues at stake in this controversy, and what does it reveal of the method of Scriptural exegesis of ibn Arabi and his school ?

Energetic Sweeping

Sweeping your porch each day is regarded as an important cleansing ritual that prepares your home for new energy.
In some of our lives, sweeping has become an activity performed without much thought. In many cases, sweeping is a lost art, replaced by the noisy, efficient vacuum cleaner. But in several cultures and religions, sweeping the front and back porch every morning is regarded as an important cleansing ritual that prepares the ground for new energy on every level—physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. It is often employed to sanctify a space and prepare it for a ceremony. This seemingly simple action has the power to clear away the old and make space for the new. It stirs up the energy in a place, clearing out the astral buildup that is the natural by-product of the presence of humans.

This kind of sweeping is not about cleaning the area of dust. In fact, the broom doesn’t have to actually touch the ground to be effective. You might want to consider having two different brooms, one you use for cleaning dust and dirt, and one you use for energy clearing. If you are so inspired, you could decorate your broom by carving its handle, painting it, decorating it with gemstones and ribbons, or any other creative adornment that appeals to you. You can also make your own broom out of tree branches and twigs, or choose a naturally appearing broom from nature, such as a pine bough. Sweeping each morning prepares the ground for the new day at the same time as it deepens our awareness of the importance of letting go of the past to welcome the present. As we clear the energy of our space, we clear our own energy systems. In addition, we create a space that feels clean, clear, and open to all who enter. Be sure to think welcoming thoughts as you sweep, manifesting what you need for the day. Making sweeping part of our daily ritual tunes us into the continuing cycle of releasing the old and welcoming the new that is the hallmark of a healthy energy system. 
This might sound airy fairy to some people...but it actually does make sense. I have done this every day since i moved. We have big trees all around our house, and a huge climbing / vine tree thing over our front porch. It drops leaves 24-7 and every single day, i have swept out there and taken the leaves to the pile of rubbish out the back.   I love that time that i spend sweeping every day. I don't know why, but it feels good to do it. There is more to it than me just liking the front of my house to look welcoming and nice...although i do like it to look nice. I appreciate having our own actual house again so much, and want it to look nice...but it is more than that. In saying that...i am a far cry from going to the effort of putting sequins on my broom!!! haha I am not THAT nutty...yet.   I have not swept out there yet today though. I usually do it in the afternoon. I only got out of bed at about 12:30 today. I love sleeping so much these days. Especially during the day. I could sleep all day, every day, if i didn't have the girls, i think. I never used to be like this. I was always an early riser...out of bed at 6am.. Being able to sleep loads, is about the only benefit to my sentence. I never have to make an excuse for why i am still in bed at noon.   I am making the most of that, while i can. Soon, i won't have that excuse! I will never complain again, about having to get out of bed in the morning, to go to work.   It's raining. I will sweep the porch a bit later on. Bummer for my laundry that i should have gotten in!   Back later

برلمان الكويت يقر "إعدام" من يسيء للرسول وزوجاته

تعتبر المرة الأولى التي يسن فيها قانون في الوطن العربي يجرّم من يتطاول على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

برلمان الكويت يقر "إعدام" من يسيء للرسول وزوجاته

دبي - عبدالعزيز الدوسري

وافق البرلمان الكويتي بأغلبية ساحقة على المادة 111 مكرر من القانون بعقوبة الإعدام ضد كل من يسيء للذات الإلهية، والرسول وزوجاته، وذلك بموافقة 41 نائباً وعضواً ومعارضة 6 نواب.

وبذلك تكون المرة الأولى التي يسن قانون في الوطن العربي يجرم من يتطاول على النبي محمد. وسيتم رفع القانون إلى أمير الكويت صباح الأحمد الجابر الصباح، ليبت في التصديق عليه أو رفضه ورده إلى البرلمان.

من جهته، قال وزير الأوقاف الكويتي جمال الشهاب إن اللجنة التشريعية أغفلت بعض النقاط التي تضمنتها مذكرة الإفتاء، ومنها حصر العقوبة في ما يتعلق بزوجات الرسول (صلى الله عليه وسلم) ومن يقدح فيهن بالزنا.

يذكر أن النواب الذين عارضوا القانون هم أحمد لاري، عبدالحميد دشتي، وعدنان المطوع، وعدنان عبدالصمد، صالح عاشور، ومحمد الصقر.

وفي هذا الصدد، قال النائب أحمد لاري، إن السب محل اتفاق في جميع المذاهب، لكن اختلافي هنا حول قانون الطعن والتجريح. إذ جاء القانون بحسب رأيه بتعريف مبهم غير واضح، بالإضافة الى أن القانون المذكور نص على نفس العقوبة بالنسبة للنبي وزوجاته أي ساوى بينهم.

وأضاف لاري في تصريح لـ"العربية.نت" أن هناك اختلافا فقهيا بين المذاهب في ما يتعلق بعرض الرسول، لكن هذا لا يمنع من تشديد العقوبات على المسيء، مؤكداً أنها قضية شرعية. وأوضح أنه لم يكن ضد المبدأ، ولكن أمام نص وضعي يجب أن يتطابق والشرع.

لكنه في المقابل، لفت إلى أنه يحترم صوت الأغلبية وقد تمرر القانون دون إضافة تعديلات عليه، رغم أنه أرسل مذكرة تتضمن تفاصيل بالاختلافات بين المذاهب.

من جانبه، اعتبر النائب علي الدقباسي أن القانون المذكور جاء ليوقف كل مسيء عند حده، مبينا لـ"العربية.نت" "أنه انتصار للإسلام ولرسولنا الكريم ولأزواجه، بعدما بدأ بعض السفهاء بالتمادي ولم يكن هنالك من قانون واضح بهذا الشأن، مؤكداً أنه أهم قانون يسنه البرلمان الكويتي. وختم متمنياً أن يقر القانون في جميع الدول الإسلامية.

يذكر أن السلطات في الكويت كانت ألقت القبض على مواطن أساء للرسول وزوجاته عبر تويتر، لكنها حتى اليوم لم تستطع محاكمته في ظل غياب قانون واضح في هذا الاتجاه.