Winnie the Pooh must choose better friends than Piglet

No press censorship since 1995, except for bikinis and pretend pigs...

For those even faintly familiar with the tenets of Islam, it's common knowledge that Muslims not only refrain from eating pork, swine themselves are considered to be theologically unclean and deservedly shunned.

Yet what many tout as a model progressive Muslim nation, the oil rich Persian Gulf nation of Qatar has just banned Winnie the Pooh's beloved character, Piglet.

As reported by The Washington Times;

"Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani officially abolished press censorship in 1995, but the government is still blacking out imagery deemed offensive to Islam, such as certain body parts of bikini-wearing models, and the Piglet character, who portrays an animal the Muslim religion says is unclean."

Per his official title: His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar took the reins of power in 1995.

While his father was on a visit to Switzerland, the current Emir led a bloodless palace coup, thusly unseating his father from the throne.

Many consider the Emir a forward thinker amongst world's various Muslim monarchs based on little more than he is a graduate of England's Sandhurst Military Academy, and also that his second wife Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned has been a visible advocate for education and various children's causes.

But Piglet shouldn't be lonely on the cutting room floor...

The Washington Times is also reporting that the make-believe porker isn't the only one to feel the Emir's axe.

Scantily clad models featured in the Italian women's magazine Grazia have also been banned from the Gulf nation.