Who's the #1 enemy of islam ? Jews ? Americans ? Russians ? Shia ? Omar ? Iblis ? Dracula !!?

At least it’s short.

Earlier today I posted a clip about how the real enemy of Islam was Russia. I started thinking that the only thing Islam hands out in equal measure is hatred and enmity as I have seen so many scholars and honoured Mustards talk about who the real enemy of Islam is and it’s pretty much everybody as far as I can see. So I decided to make a video sorta showing that.

As I searched for clips on enemies of Islam, a rather easy thing to do, I came across one that I thought was worth maybe changing the focus of the video a little. At the end of the day, and that is pretty much how long this took me, it wasn’t worth the effort. But here it is anyway. I hope it at least gives you all a wry smile.