Sarmad's Gems as Compiled by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

Sarmad's Gems 

إِنِّي لَأَجِدُ رِيحَ يُوسُفَ لَوْلاَ أَن تُفَنِّدُونِ

All those who are elevated by Your love
Are asleep in the fields of martyrdom.
Victory for them in the battle of two worlds
Is won through love,
All soldiers of love achieve martyrdom.

In thy present, I cannot even say:
"I am here!"

The buyer want lover's soul
With love as broker
I nearly sold myself to such a buyer
What a wonderful deal I had!

The Houri displays herself to God's devotee.
This is how love initiates to it's way
The un-initiated ...

It is not the fortune of the faint hearted
To suffer in love.
Suffering is for those
Who walks in the flame of love.

Once smitten, it is easier to fall in love
Like the wick of the lamp
Once lit, it is easier to light again.

What more need one drunk with your love
So long as your glance intoxicates. 

I am sold in the market of love
I know not my buyer, nor my price.

There is no fault with a madman
The fault lies in you -
Love hasn't maddened you yet.

Why do you wonder in the wilderness 
Looking for Him ?
Sit still. If He is Khuda,
He will appear on His Own.

A true lover of God is misled
Both by religion and lack thereof
A moth does not choose 
Between the burning candle,
Whether in the mosque or the temple.

You won't get a light sentence in love
By sustaining a wound or two
With his bow-shaped eyebrows
The archer is poised for you.

When asked to retract his sayings, Sarmad's answered:

An age has passed 
Since Mansur's "Ana Al Haqq"
I am here to give fresh lustre
To the gallows ...

Blood shed for lover's sake 
Is never wasted.