India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes

Cover of the textbookIt is not known which schools have bought the book for their students

New Healthway, a book on hygiene and health aimed at 11 and 12 year-olds, is printed by one of India's leading publishers.Meat-eaters "easily cheat, lie, forget promises and commit sex crimes", according to a controversial school textbook available in India.

Academics have urged the government to exercise greater control.

But the authorities say schools should monitor content as they are responsible for the choice of textbooks.

"This is poisonous for children," Janaki Rajan of the Faculty of Education at Jamia Millia University in Delhi told the BBC.

"The government has the power to take action, but they are washing their hands of it," she said.

It is not known which Indian schools have bought the book for their students, but correspondents say what is worrying is that such a book is available to students.

"The strongest argument that meat is not essential food is the fact that the Creator of this Universe did not include meat in the original diet for Adam and Eve. He gave them fruits, nuts and vegetables," reads a chapter entitled Do We Need Flesh Food?

The chapter details the "benefits" of a vegetarian diet and goes on to list "some of the characteristics" found among non-vegetarians.

"They easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes," it says.

The chapter, full of factual inaccuracies, refers to Eskimos (Inuit) as "lazy, sluggish and short-lived", because they live on "a diet largely of meat".

It adds: "The Arabs who helped in constructing the Suez Canal lived on wheat and dates and were superior to the beef-fed Englishmen engaged in the same work."

The publishers, S Chand, did not respond to the BBC's requests for a comment.

4 responses
It looks like you can easily become a vegetarian fanatic and turn into a vegetable !!!

The best point that father of humanity was vegetarian, why should his children be different ... Nice one !

I am fascinated by those Arabs who helped in constructing the Suez Canal and lived on wheat and dates.<o:p></o:p>

I mean they managed to multiply quite a lot without eating any of their livestock :)<o:p></o:p>

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Mohamad Akra<o:p></o:p>


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From: Posterous [mailto:

I never doubted the ability of Arabs to construct the Suez Canal while on a diet of dates and wheat.However the author also has this theory that the Muslim fertility rate in India is much higher when compared to Hindus due to the fact that they eat "lots" of meat. May be our Arabs brothers started to multiply a "lot" after they started eating "lots" of meat :)
Let us not forget that the Indian vegetarian culture produced the Kama Sutra !
Never mind the Suez Canal ... Kama Sutra is a BIG challenge !! ( maybe opening a new thread on Kama Sutra is not that bad ... Guys any thoughts ? )
Staying away from the flesh, will leave alone with the spirit ... Spirit is Fire ...
