Hamzah Yusuf celebrates Eid on Wednesday



Eid al-Fitr to be on Weds. Aug. 31
Crescentwatch received numerous negative sighting reports of reliable and experienced moonsighters who went out to sight the new moon of Shawwal Monday night, despite very favorable sighting conditions even in key areas in South America including Chile. We did examine the details of one positive report from near Santiago, Chile, and while it may have been a legitimate sighting, without any other positive sightings anywhere, we do not find that such a single, solitary report provides the certainty required for us to declare the momentous occasion of Eid.The Prophet, peace be upon him said, “Leave what you deem doubtful for that which you know to be certain.”

We will happily enjoy another blessed day of Ramadan, go to sight the moon tomorrow night, and celebrate Eid al-Fitr on Wednesday, Aug. 31st, insha’Allah.

We nonethless encourage Muslims to celebrate Eid with their local community, following the dates and moon sighting methodology of their qualified leadership. May Allah bless and increase everyone during these sacred days.Crescentwatch.org adheres to the traditional principal that Islamic lunar months begin and end based on the confirmed, verifiable sighting of the new crescent moon.
Last Updated: August 30, 2011  00:41 MDT
Posted: August 29, 2011  23:17 MDT
Assessing additional South American reports
We are currently assessing other South American reports. We hope to announce a final decision soon.
Posted: August 29, 2011  19:30 MDT
Initial South American reports negative
Initial Monday night crescent sighting reports from South America (including Iquique & Santiago, Chile) have come back negative (moon not sighted) despite experienced and reliable sighters with favorable conditions.

We are waiting on additional reports from other South American locations and hope to update this site with a final determination by 6:30pm PDT.

For more info on regions where moonsighting is possible see our reliable visibility forecast charts.

Last Updated: August 29, 2011  18:36 MDT
Posted: August 29, 2011  18:09 MDT
Look for the moon on Aug. 29th (Eid to be on Aug. 30th or 31st)
Crescentwatch.org encourages everyone to go out to look for the new crescent moon (hilal) on the night of Monday, August 29th in anticipation of the beginning of the Islamic month of Shawwal.

Qualified Muslim astronomers and reliable visibility forecasts indicate that on Monday the only major land region of the globe that will have a decent likelihood of a naked eye sighting of the moon is in South America (check the visibility forecast for your region here). If the moon is sighted on Aug. 29th, Eid al-Fitr would occur on Aug. 30th. Otherwise Eid will be on Aug. 31st.

Please go out to look for the new crescent moon and submit your moonsighting report here. The crescent (hilal) would be visible shortly after sunset, slightly to the left, and above where the sun had set. It is a beautiful experience to sight its emergence, and it is a sunnah of our noble Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa salam, that we hope the ummah revives.

* Crescentwatch.org adheres to the traditional principle that Islamic lunar months begin and end based on the confirmed, verifiable sighting of the new crescent moon. Click here to read Crescentwatch’s 2010 Statement on its moonsighting policy change.
Last Updated: August 29, 2011  17:20 MDT
Posted: August 20, 2011  10:43 MDT
Crescentwatch has received reliable reports of the new crescent moon of Ramadan being sighted on Sunday evening in numerous locations around the world, including South Africa, Guyana, Chile, Trinidad, and Texas. We are delighted to welcome the entry of this sacred month and to begin the blessed fast of Ramadan on Monday, August 1st.

May Allah accept it from all of us and make our Ramadan a source of benefit, enrichment, and closeness to Allah, Most High.

* Crescentwatch.org adheres to the traditional principal that Islamic lunar months begin and end based on the confirmed, verifiable sighting of the new crescent moon.
Last Updated: July 31, 2011  21:13 MDT
Posted: July 31, 2011  18:16 MDT
Moon-sightings begin across the world
Crescentwatch has confirmed reliable reports of the new crescent moon being sighted in numerous locations in South Africa. As the sun sets in further locations in the West with the moon becoming increasingly visible, we will continue to provide sighting reports and updates from the rest of the globe.
Posted: July 31, 2011  14:43 MDT
New moon of Ramadan expected on the night of Jul. 31st or Aug. 1st
Crescentwatch.org encourages everyone to go out to look for the new crescent moon (hilal) on the night of Sunday, July 31st in anticipation of the beginning of the Islamic month of Ramadan. (If the moon is sighted on July 31st, the first day of Ramadan and its fast would occur on Aug. 1st.)

Qualified Muslim astronomers and reliable visibility forecasts indicate that several regions around the world will have a decent likelihood of sighting the moon that evening (check the visibility forecast for your region here).

Please go out to look for the new crescent moon and submit your moonsighting report here. The crescent (hilal) would be visible shortly after sunset, slightly to the left, and above where the sun had set. It is a beautiful experience to sight its emergence, and it is a sunnah of our noble Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa salam, that we hope the ummah revives.

* Crescentwatch.org adheres to the traditional principle that Islamic lunar months begin and end based on the confirmed, verifiable sighting of the new crescent moon.