DO NOT SAY IT, BUTI …. لا تقلها يا بوطي

Sh Buti broke the heart of those who ever trusted him in the past and respected his scholarship and piety. The islamic and sunni thought process is going through conflict and deep metamorphosis. Surely, there is a crisis of religious scholarship. The solution advocating the personality cult of  the past dead scholars through their books will not satisfy the thirst of the muslim for learning. There is a simple principle of individual discovery and learning, the muslim needs to memorize by heart:
اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَيُعَلِّمُكُمُ اللّهُ وَاللّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ 
Be conscience of God, and He will teach you for God is All Knowing

It is a time of anarchy and chaos. Some personal intellect, sh Google and divine guidance can bring the muslim much much closer to the truth than the drop-out shuyukh or puppies to the rulers. 
وقال إني ذاهب إلى ربي سيهدين

O muslim, migrate from the land of ignorant, dogmatic, extremist, monolithic, complacent, self-conceited, self-deceiving, and misguided scholarship to the land of personal enlightenment. If you are afraid of the fire of learning and gnosis, remember the following du3aa:

يا نار كوني بردا وسلاما


3 responses
When you want to learn about Allah, you cannot get others view of Him. You need to get your own experience with him. Allah was made into a riddle by those who either do not understand, or appreciate Him. Or by those who want to make Him into a riddle to make themselves into the only passage way to Him.

A learned man should read "we are closer to him than the jugular vain" and appreciate his nearness, and work upon it. Allah is never to be constructed as the most complex of paradigms. He has told us that "if my servants asked about me .. tell them I am Qareeb (Near)". This means also that He is close of our senses, and ability to understand, grasp, and appreciate.

As Walid said rightly. Break your own idols, and appreciate .. Just Ask .. Just knock on the door, and you will be answered

صدق ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه:(من كان مستنا فليستن بمن قد مات، فإن الحي لا تُؤمَنُ عليه الفتنة). رواه ابن عبد البر في جامع العلم وفضله.<o:p></o:p>

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