4 responses
...."The flavor of the bait overcame the suffering of the trap. Otherwise, existence would have been impossible"!!!
Then such existence is impossible ...
Allama Iqbal's Zinda-Rud Departs From Paradise

The Houris’ Request

The glass of my patience and quietude was shattered; The Sage of Rum spoke in my ear, ‘Rise up’. Ah, those words of love, that ecstatic certainty! Ah that court, that sublime palace; heart bleeding, I reached its gate and beheld there a throng of houris, on their lips, ‘Zinda-Rud, Zinda-Rud, Zinda-Rud, master of fire and melody!’ Clamour and tumult rose from left and right: ‘One or two moments sit with us. sit with us!’


The traveller who knows the secrets of the journey fears the lodging-place more than the highwayman. Love reposes not in separation, nor in union, reposes not, without Eternal Beauty; first beginning, falling down before idols, final end, freedom from all heart-ravishers. Love recks for nothing, and is ever on the move, a wayfarer in space and spacelessness. Our creed, like the swift-paced wave: abandon the halting-place, choose the highway. The Houris of Paradise Your blandishments are like those of Time; grudge us not now one sweet song.


You have not reached Man, so why do you seek God? You have fled from your self; why do you seek a friend? Hang again on the rose-twig and suck in the sap and the dew; faded blossom, what are you seeking from the zephyr? What they call musk is two drops of the heart’s blood; gazelle of the Sanctuary, what are you seeking in Cathay? Poverty’s assay is by sovereignty and world-dominion; seek Jamshid’s throne-why do you seek a reed-mat? Men track it out from the garden of tulips; why do you seek from me the song drenched with blood? The vision augments through the company of the enlightened of heart; why do you seek collyrium from the sorrow of the short-sighted? We are calenders, and our miracle is world-vision; seek vision from us-why seek the philosopher’s stone?
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