فسجد الملائكة كلهم أجمعون إلا إبليس ... Iblis and the curse of proximity

A hundred thousand years of obedience are rewarded with a bridle of His curse ...

نديمي غير منســوب     إلى شيء من الحيـــف

سقاني مثلما يشـــرب     كفعل الضيف بالضيف

فلما دارت الكـــــأس     دعا بالنطع والسيـــف

كذا من يشرب الـراح     مع التنين في الصيـــف
2 responses
In the Book of Suffering, Attar describes God's cunning, for example, when Satan is asked why he did not kneel before Adam when God commanded it. Then Satan tells the story of a Sufi who sees a princess and finds her so beautiful that he falls in love with her immediately.
"Just wait until you see my sister", says the princess : "Look, there she come!"

When the Sufi then turns around to look, she has him beheaded.

... هذا جزاء من يدعي هوانا و ينظر الی سوانا

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