2 responses
Is there anything in Islam against the belief in the marriage possibility of prophet Issa ?
Muslims consider marriage being the preferable lifestyle, in accordance to the tradition of prophet Mohammed. Monastic, non marital life, has been described in Quran as an innovation which Christians failed to uphold. 
Was Dan Brown correct in the Da Vinci Code ?
Most important, can the belief in the marriage of Christ be considered an attack against the main sacred symbol of Christianity ? Can it be the subject of prosecution under UN as requested by some Muslim clerics ?

In case this internationally agreed law is passed, which will ban all attacks on Religious beliefs, We will be faced with many jobless preachers. Those who have perfected the skill of finding vices in all beliefs except theirs. It will be fun to see some refrain from saying may God destroy the jews and christians .. and all other sorts of angry slogans .. two words sum it all .. double standards